Category Archives: Chicago Events

AWIS-CAC August Membership Meeting

Join us for our monthly AWIS CAC meeting to socialize and discuss upcoming programming. The next meeting will be on Monday, August 28th, starting at 7:00 PM CT. Join using this Zoom link!

Can’t make the meeting but want to ask the board a question or propose a suggestion? E-mail us at!

Summer Mentoring Kick-Off

Save the date in your calendars for AWIS-CAC’s 2023 Summer Mentoring Circle Kick-off!

We will be kicking off Summer Mentoring Circles on Friday, June 23rd, 2023, at 7 PM. Click here to access the event on zoom now!

Meeting Agenda (1 hour):
Introduction (10 min)
Guidelines (10 min)
Mentor Introductions (5 min)
Breakout Circles with Mentoring Group (30 min)
Wrap-up (5 min)

Please feel free to reach out to us at or with questions about the mentoring program.

Summer Mentoring Circles are Back for 2023!!

Circles follow a small group format, each composed of 1-2 Mentors and 4-6 carefully matched Mentees. The nature of the Circles allows for intimate peer-to-peer and mentor-mentee relationships to form throughout the summer. Our Circles are open to all within any STEM and STEM-adjacent sectors. You do not need to be an AWIS member to join and this program is absolutely FREE!

To best match you with a circle, please complete this 5-minute survey by June 1st.  While only a few components are required, the more information you provide will allow us to match you with a group of individuals with similar goals. 

The Mentoring Circles kick-off will be on (TBD). You will meet your Circle and decide on your meeting schedule and format. Circles typically meet via Zoom, or a similar platform, every two weeks. You will have the opportunity to meet other mentors and mentees over the course of the summer.

For more information, you can also check out the Mentoring Circles section on this website.
Any questions about the program should be directed to

Being Black in STEM

Saturday, May 20th, 2023 from 12:30-2:30 PM CST @ Harper High School

Racialized inequities within STEM, or the unequal distribution of opportunities and resources based on race, have led to disparities in academic achievement and outcomes for BlPOC youth. Black students, in particular, are often underrepresented in STEM fields and are more likely to face barriers preventing them from succeeding.

One factor contributing to this inequality is the historical legacy of racism and discrimination, which has resulted in limited access to quality education, resources, and opportunities for many Black individuals. Additionally, the lack of representation and cultural competence in STEM fields has created a difficult environment for Black students to succeed; role models that reflect Black students can create a STEM environment that is more comfortable and safe to navigate.

To address this issue from a comprehensive lens, we must first acknowledge that the current system of education and STEM is built on oppressive structures, where not enough efforts have been made to facilitate proper STEM education for Black youth in particular. Even current efforts from government and private agencies are yet to be effective. We must work towards a more just and equitable society by dismantling the systems perpetuating these inequalities and replacing them with alternatives, prioritizing community empowerment, liberation, and healing.

Building on the efforts of our partner, Teamwork Englewood (TE), particularly that of Program Manager Avanii Hazzard’s commitment to center the needs of desires of the youth she works with, this program will invite experts to sit in rotating roundtable conversations with program attendee’s. These conversations will be led by TE’s youth and will center their curiosity and desires for what knowledge they want to share and learn about. Non-TE attendee’s are invited to participate in the discussions, where questions for our experts are welcome!

Join Teamwork Englewood, The Association for Women in Science, and The Chicago Council on Science and Technology for a chance to center youth in a conversation about what it means to be Black in STEM.

For more information and to register through C2ST, click here.
For more information and to register on EventBrite, click here.

Entrepreneurship in Biotech

Rush University is hosting Dr. Amanda Schalk on Wednesday, March 22nd at 3 PM to discuss her journey as a scientist and her path to entrepreneurship in the biotech industry! Dr. Schalk is also an AWIS summer mentor and was named SOTM in 2020. Questions will be open to the audience at the end or can be submitted beforehand. If you would like to submit a question, please click here (link:

Dr. Schalk is a co-founder and Chief Operations Officer at Enzyme by Design and a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her BS in Biochemistry at Eastern Michigan University and her Master’s and Ph.D. at the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Biology in Goettingen, Germany. Her postdoc at Dr. Lavie’s lab at the UIC was developing protein anti-cancer therapeutics using structural biology. She worked 2 years off the bench as a virtual lab manager with small biotechs across the country. In 2017, her team from UIC spun out their safer cancer therapeutics technology into the startup Enzyme by Design where she is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer and enjoying the rollercoaster adventure of entrepreneurship.

To register for the event, please click here (link: This is a hybrid event, so it will be available virtually and a link to the event will be sent out to registered attendees prior to the event. Feel free to e-mail Christina Nowicki ( if you have any questions!

Expanding Your Horizons – Chicago 2023

It’s that time of year again! Expanding Your Horizons 2023 is right around the corner!

Are you interested in helping inspire and empower middle school girls to pursue science and math careers? We could use your help! EYH is looking for volunteers to help out at the Expanding Your Horizons Chicago Concference taking place at the University of Illinois Chicago on Saturday, March 25th, 2023 from 9 AM – 3 PM.

EYH Chicago is a one-day conference where 100-200 middle school girls participate in hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math workshops. It is an exciting event for both the girls and volunteers. More information about the conference can be found on the website.

We are looking for volunteers to help out with a range of roles to help make this conference a success! Volunteers will be expected to attend a mandatory in-person orientation session a couple of weeks before the conference. The dates for this training session will be scheduled soon. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the following registration form.

Questions? Contact the EYH volunteer subcommittee at

Breaking Through Barriers in STEM – International Women’s Day Symposium

The theme of the 6th annual Chicago Women in STEM Symposium is “Breaking Through Barriers in STEM” on Friday, March 10th, 2023 from 1 – 7 PM at Northwestern University. This event aims to address the disappointing statistics regarding the representation of women in STEM-related careers by hosting a variety of speakers who will share their stories and provide valuable information about resilience, empowerment, and breaking through both visible and invisible barriers in STEM. The symposium will consist of the following events:

  • workshop led by Byron Stewart, an expert in the field of scientific communication with experience in mentoring people, and more specifically women, in STEM with regards to showing up confidently, having their voices heard, and breaking into their dream careers.
  • panel featuring local women leaders in STEM discussing their paths breaking into their current roles and what they may advise for those who aim to enter into their academia or industry and progress in their careers.
  • Opportunities to interact with representatives from our intiative’s partner and sponsor organizations in industry, academia, law, and local non-profits.
  • keynote speakerDr. Azurii Collier, who is a leader in her field. She will focus on her career trajectory and how she overcame the hardships faced along her journey.
  • closing networking reception that will facilitate conversations and interactions amongst early career women, volunteers, speakers, facilitators, and additional local female role models in STEM.

For more information or to sign up for the event, check out the event website here!
Questions? E-mail